Sunday, 8 March 2009

How to Compliment A Girl (Part 1)

Okay... so you want to compliment a girl. That's great. I'm love telling the girl I'm seeing how sexy she is/how much I want to fuck her/how gorgeous she looks in xyz. Compliments are nice and they make everyone involved feel good So what's the problem?

The problem gentlemen is...


A compliment is a gift. It's a sign of appreciation that you extend to another person. Now, I see a lot of men who want to compliment a girl. But 9/10 times, these compliments are usually because the girl is hot, or beautiful, or pretty.


How would you feel if a girl said, "Nice bank account. You're really cool. Want my #?" You would think "WTF? Is this bitch stupid?" It would be OBVIOUS that she is giving you a compliment because something about you is OF USE to her, right? And no one wants a bullshit compliment like that.

This is the sammmeee shit that girls have to deal with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They get compliments ALL THE TIME and they KNOW it's because 9/10 times, the guy wants to fuck them. This makes the compliment WORTHLESS, because it is not a genuine sign of appreciation, but a manipulative TOOL.

The proper way to compliment a girl is when they've EARNED it. I don't tell my girl she's sexy when she's pulled an all-night for an exam and walks in dressed in dirty sweats, with her hair all messy and her eyes sandy as fuck. Do I still care about her? Yes. Do I still want to spend time with her? Of course. But why would I tell her she looks sexy when... she's not at that time?

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