Friday, 6 March 2009

What's Women Hate Most (Part B)

5) Not Understanding That She's A Woman And You're A Man

I'm about to get philosophical on your ass, so be cool.

When it comes down to it, most men don't understand women.

But the REAL kicker is that most men don't understand MEN, either!

Most guys don't know what it's like to get in touch with their MALE NATURE.

Combine these two issues, and you get a guy who behaves in ways that DO NOT trigger ATTRACTION in women.

Women have a "nature". A female nature.

Men also have a "nature". You guessed it, it's a MALE nature.

Women are coy. They like to play hard to get. They like to enjoy the chase. They love anticipation. They love to "let a guy catch them"...

Men are competitive. Men are dominant. Men like to play rough games, win things, and rule their territory.

Well guess what?

Most men don't BEHAVE like men when they're in the presence of a woman that they "like".

And since most men don't understand female human nature, they don't demonstrate that they "get it" when they're with women that they "like".

Women like men. Men like women. There are POWERFUL causes at play here.

When you're around a woman you like, don't act like a GIRLY-MAN. It's not sexy, and it's not attractive...

And single women HATE IT!

6) Not Being Interesting To Be Around

Underneath most behavior that I see most guys acting out is a "core belief" that goes like this:

"I don't believe that an attractive woman would want to be around me just because she enjoys my presence... so I make up for it by saying and doing certain things that I hope she'll enjoy... and if she enjoys those other things enough, then maybe she'll want to spend more time with me."

Heavy, man.

Well guess what? Most attractive single women KNOW that if a guy isn't interesting to be around, they she's eventually going to go CRAZY being around him.

In other words, no amount of material gifts, compliments, dinners, and other "displays" will EVER compensate for a lack of BEING INTERESTING.

Here's a profound thought:

I and several other guys I know have many women who call us often... just because they enjoy being around us.

These women would be happy just to be in the same room with us... and enjoy our company.

And yes, these women CALL US.


Material gifts, food, flowers, and other "displays" have ZERO lasting value to a woman when it comes to how she FEELS about you...

An attractive single woman wants a guy who LIGHTS HER UP. She wants to FEEL GOOD.

She wants mystery... she wants to laugh... she wants a challenge... she wants sexual tension...

If you're using compliments, gifts, food, and other "displays" to get a woman's attention... you need to ask yourself a tough question:

Is it because you don't believe that a woman would want to be around you just to be around you?

Because if you don't know how to be INTERESTING to a woman, then no amount of compensation is going to fix the problem.

If you're boring, predictable, and uninteresting, then you're never going to have women calling YOU to hang out.

Oh, and women HATE IT.

7) Not Understanding Attraction

This is a BIGGIE.

You hear me talking about it all the time, right?

Maybe now that you've read this newsletter you'll have a better context to understand what I'm about to tell you...

If you "get it" with women, it's SUPER INTERESTING and ATTRACTIVE to them.

Women can INSTANTLY FEEL IT when they're with a guy who "gets it".

Women know very quickly if they're talking to a guy who understands himself and women... and who enjoys creating and building sexual tension.

Women know if a guy speaks the SECRET LANGUAGE of "Sexual Communication".

If he doesn't, then she stops all communication on that level.

If he does, then it continues.

ATTRACTION Isn't A Choice.

Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE... and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.

Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how attraction works... and who knows what to do in each specific situation to progress to the next level.

The PROBLEM with ATTRACTION, and with success with women in general is that the things you need to DO to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS.

They're "counter intuitive", in many cases.

In other words, they're the OPPOSITE of what you'd THINK would make sense.

You have to do things like CREATE TENSION... stop doing something that she likes... give her time to miss you... etc.

And if you don't understand ATTRACTION, a woman is going to KNOW IT.

And guess what?

Single women HATE IT when a man doesn't understand ATTRACTION and how to communicate on this "other level".

Now that I've shared the mistakes, you need the next piece of the puzzle. You need to get an education on how attraction works for women... and the RIGHT things to do up front to give her those emotional/physical feelings inside.

Right now you're probably feeling that excited "Ah Ha!" feeling.

That's because you understand something at a different level... you've used your mind to understand something complex... and you feel good about bettering yourself.

Well this is just the TIP of the iceberg.

As educational as this has been, this is only the beginning.

If you're starting to realize how important it is to get this area of your life handled, then I recommend you make a commitment and take your education to a WORLD CLASS level.

And what's the best way to do that?

Well, I've spent the last several years of my life figuring out exactly what does and doesn't work with women.

I figured this stuff out for MYSELF... and then I took what I've learned and put it all together to help others learn as well.

My Double Your Dating eBook represents THOUSANDS of hours of research, testing, getting to know guys who were successful with women, and generally organizing every level of this knowledge into an easy-to-understand system that ANY guy can use to increase his success with women and dating.

And I'll tell you something...

It works.

---- for more information on where to ghet this eBook send me a message or comment ------

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